M is for Maps & Mobile App
Immix has long offered its Maps feature, which allows users to utilize Google Maps to create overlays of monitored sites and devices consisting of layers for internal and external images and polygons drawn for site items such as cameras, audio and relay devices to provide for better situational awareness for an operator.
Immix GF users can enjoy Enhanced Mapping using Google Maps consisting of detailed layers for floor plan images and markers, as well as asset/device icons drawn for site items such as cameras and access-controlled doors. This provides powerful and dynamic mapping along with the ability to move seamlessly around nearby sites and interact with their assets while processing an event. Paired with the Manual Raise feature, users can drop a location marker anywhere on a map and see the nearest associated assets for faster and more effective event response.
Enhanced Mapping also allows a user to enter an address into the interface and the system will allow the user to see and access any nearby monitored sites and associated assets/devices.
The Immix Mobile App is another useful feature, in particular for end customers of Immix users. Immix Mobile allows end customers the following capabilities:
- Receive critical event notifications
- Review event history, including the complete audit trail as well as associated video and audio footage
- View live cameras and reference shots from their respective sites
- Arm and Disarm their sites
Immix is currently planning for several feature enhancements for the Mobile App to come later this year. We are excited to share more information in the coming months.